Volunteer Policy



SociaWorks CIC aims to ensure that the environment for volunteers is:

  • All are welcome;
  • We take into account people’s individual life circumstances;
  • It is clear that volunteering at SociaWorks makes a positive difference;
  • We give a sense of connection to others, to the SociaWorks CIC mission and the company;
  • Volunteers are not overburdened with unnecessary processes whilst ensuring client confidentiality, safeguarding and health and safety;
  • Volunteering at Sociaworks CIC provides an enjoyable experience where people feel good about what they are doing;
  • Volunteers freely choose to take on tasks in support of the SociaWorks CIC mission;
  • The SociaWorks CIC mission and the associated voluntary work resonates with volunteers’ lives, interests and priorities.


Whilst not specifically bound by the Equality Act 2010, SociaWorks CIC will be guided by the act in its recruitment and management of volunteers. We engage with volunteers based on their perceived aptitude for the task regardless of:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Gender reassignment
  • Marriage and civil partnership
  • Pregnancy and maternity
  • Race
  • Religion or belief
  • Sex
  • Sexual orientation

Volunteers will be interviewed by one or more of the directors using the role description as a basis for judging suitability. The interview will be transparent and full feedback given. Decisions and rationale will be shared immediately.


Training and Induction

All volunteers will be given an induction day during which the mission of the company, the volunteer’s role and how it fits into the overall plan, will be explained. Training requirements will be identified during this induction. Agreed training will be delivered before volunteers undertake their agreed roles.


SociaWorks CIC will reimburse valid out-of-pocket expenses, including but not limited to travel, subsistence, communications cost etc. All expenses should be agreed before volunteers incur expense.

Supervision and Support

Volunteers will be and assigned a designated contact within the company for the agreeing of day to day tasks and feedback.

In the event of disagreement, the Directors will consider any complaint with a final escalation to the non-executive director.

Health & Safety

All volunteers will be expected to comply with the SociaWorks CIC Health & Safety policy.

Confidentiality Policy

All volunteers will be expected to comply with the SociaWorks CIC Conficdentiality and data protection policy.

Intellectual Property

Volunteers will be requested to assign any copyright in intellectual property created during voluntary roles to SociaWorks CIC. A nominal consideration will be given for each such transfer.